There is an old song from the 15th century that we still sing today called Sur le Pont d’Avignon. It’s famous all over the world. You may remember it from French class.
The chorus goes like this:
Sur le pont d’Avignon
L’on y danse, l’on y danse
Sur le pont d’Avignon
L’on y danse tous en rond
Which in English means:
On the bridge of Avignon
We all dance there, we all dance there
On the bridge of Avignon
We all dance there in a ring
To hear the song click HERE.
Well there really is a bridge across the Rhone River in Southern France and here is a picture of me standing on it.
We know the bridge as Pont d’Avignon but it’s also known as Pont Saint-Benezit. Legend says that it was named after a young shepherd named Benezet who caused the bridge to be built in the 12th century. (Wow that was so long ago that Dad wasn’t even out of diapers yet).