
Something to Celebrate

I’m getting ready to party!

This Friday, July 1 is Canada’s 144th birthday. It’s the perfect time to wave our flags, enjoy fireworks and crow with national pride.

Canadians have a lot to be proud of. We live in an amazing country. Check out some of these Canadian facts from the National Geographic Kids site.

Many famous people come from Canada including Justin Beiber, Wayne Gretzky, Avril Lavigne and Jim Carrey to name a few. Check out this much larger list of famous Canadians.

So stand proud Canadians, and belt out our national anthem.Happy Canada Day!


Goose Bumps in Key West, Florida

I went to Key West in Florida recently and had an amazing time.

One memory that sticks out in my mind is our visit to Fort East Martello Museum where I saw Robert, the haunted doll. Talk about creepy.

Many people say that they’ve seen Robert’s expression change or have seen him move. I didn’t but he still gave me goose bumps.

Check out this video about Robert’s story if you dare…but maybe not before bedtime.